Letter to the Editor - "Tell your legislators to pass a Gift Ban" (Penn Live Patriot News)

by Susan Roller, MarchOnHarrisburg volunteer
published in the Penn LIve Patriot News on May 27, 2021

The following is in response to two recent articles published by PA Spotlight and The Caucus and presented in the Harrisburg Patriot News, among other PA newspapers.

Articles: “Taxpayers foot the bill to run PA’s full-time legislature, but are blocked from many details” May 12, 2021 and “Websites don’t back claims of transparency” May 16, 2021.

The ways in which residents of Pennsylvania are shut out of decision-making in Harrisburg that are documented in your recent article are just the latest examples of what citizens’ groups like MarchOnHarrisburg (MoH) have been working on for years.

A financial fiasco permeates Pennsylvania’s politics. Members of the House and Senate are allowed to cash in on the expenses highlighted in the article and receive unlimited gifts. They only need to report those over $250. Lobbyists and special interests can offer them meals, lodging, vacations, entertainment, and other perks for listening to their various priorities.

While many legislators say they support a gift ban, or at least responsible gift-reporting, not enough will sign on to sponsor such legislation, nor will leadership allow it out of committee and to the floor of the House and Senate.

Four years ago, I participated in MarchOnHarrisburg’s voter-led lobbying campaign for a commonsense Gift Ban. Despite popular support, inaction from leadership sabotaged our efforts.

Now, leadership in the General Assembly like Senate President Jake Corman continues to turn a blind eye to the culture of corruption in Harrisburg. The need for a law against legal bribery becomes even more obvious. MarchOnHarrisburg asks our Legislators to do their well-compensated jobs with integrity, pass a gift ban, and earn back the public’s trust.

Susan Roller, Camp Hill, Pa.


The Pennsylvania Legislature Should Be Embarrassed


Letter to the Editor - "Pa. needs a gift ban for lawmakers" (Pittsburgh Tribune Review)